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In a Canvas course, a user’s role determines how they can interact with the content and other users. Below is a simplified explanation of what various user roles can and cannot do in a Canvas course.

PermissionsTeacherCourse AdminDesignerTAUndergrad TAObserver2Student
View published content3
Manage content
(add/edit/delete, publish and unpublish content)
View unpublished content
Add/Remove users1
View Student Grades; Grade Assignments/ Discussions/ QuizzesCan view their own posted grades
Create and manage course DiscussionsCan create and view onlyCan create (w/ special settings), view, and post
Generate Course Usage Reports
Send Announcements
Create Assessments
Add Calendar EventsOnly on personal calendarOnly on personal calendarOnly on personal calendar
Create Groups

1 Managed enrollment users cannot be removed manually

2 Observers are basically read-only users in Canvas courses.

3 Observers are not restricted from seeing content in modules that are locked by prerequisites.