When building assessments in Canvas, faculty often wonder which tool would best fit their assessment needs. We have gathered below a comparison of grading features and tool options in order to better inform users as they make their decisions. We invite you to contact us at acadtech@cornell.edu to discuss which of these tools might best meet your needs.

What can be annotated

Annotation options

Assignments and Grading

Integration with Canvas & Gradebook

Extra Features

Word docs
Google Docs✔ (may not work in restricted countries)✔ (may not work in restricted countries)
Website pages✔ (w/ more access to deeper pages in domain)✔ (will take a snapshot of a page)
Textbooks / firewall articles✔ Can annotate CAMP materials and JSTOR article directly✔ May require paid access for students. Can access CAMP materials by using access code https://app.perusall.com/catalog
Student created content✔ (w/ the help of the instructor)✔ (Instructor can enable folder for student upload)
audio files✔ Podcasts
video✘ YouTube✔ Streaming video (YouTube, Vimeo, Box, etc.)
Canvas pages
can limit page ranges

Inline annotation
Document Notes
Write in Latex
Commenting on peer annotations
Can download document (without annotations)
Can download document (with annotations)
Can disable downloading
TA role can set assignments
Instructor/TA can comment on annotations
Instructor/TA can comment privately on annotations✓ with speedgrader
Instructor/TA can post questions on the doc for students to answer
Annotations can be private to student
Has one-to-one annotations between instructor and student
Annotations can be anonymous
Teacher can delete or edit student comments
Can only be shared with instructor
Instructor can post questions for students✓ only as a user within the doc
Students can export annotations✘ (on roadmap)
Students can print files✓ uses adobe reader interface
Useful for synchronous excercise✘ Shows red dropdown when new annotation has posted✘ Page must be refreshed
Has Synchronous annotations (like google doc)✘ Page must be refreshed✘ Page must be refreshed
Sort annotations✓ sortable by student
Has controlled tags
Has Tagging
Can restrict copy/paste
Can OCR Documents automatically

Creating an External Tool Assignment (will link to Canvas Gradebook)
Useful for synchronous exercise✘ Shows red dropdown when new annotation has posted✘ must refresh page
Has autograding✘ Complete/Incomplete only
Can configure autograding using a provided rubric
Assignments can be added as extra credit by check box

Integration with Canvas
Supports multiple user roles through Canvas
Requires separate account / loginnot if used through Canvasnot if used through Canvas
Adding an External Tool to a Module (won’t link to Canvas Gradebook)
The tool can be added to course navigation
Integration with Canvas Gradebook
Can be a graded activity if added as a Canvas Assignment
A new submission shows if has annotated the document
Student annotations can be viewed in the SpeedGrader
Instructor can provide private feedback✔ Yes, through Speedgrader
Grading happens in the tool’s interface
Pushes grades to Canvas gradebook✔ complete/incomplete
Supports Canvas Groups
Can be copied from existing Canvas coursesYes, but doesn’t carry annotations over
Allows files to be stored in Canvas
Has range of complexity for start up✔ Can use with only simple annotation features (no grading, etc)

Instructor can view hotspots
Provides analytics✔ robust
Can turn off analyticsN/A
Peer Review
Has peer review
Has TurnItIn integration
Digital Rights
Can assist with clearing digital rights
Can integrate iclicker✔ and provides discount if purchasing iClicker through Perusall
Has AI support for Instructors
Has AI support for students

Additional Resources