Poll Everywhere is an online polling tool. Classroom Polling facilitates polling in the classroom and in your Zoom sessions, allowing instructors to quickly ask a question and instantly receive responses from each student during class. Surveys can even be created after a class Zoom session in order for asynchronous students to be able to answer the poll questions.  Poll Everywhere also integrates with your Canvas course.

Before getting started with Poll Everywhere, you must have a Poll Everywhere account. If you do not yet have a Cornell University Poll Everywhere account, please request one by filling out this form.

Important Notice

If students are not logged into Poll Everywhere when they take a poll or survey, their results will not be recorded for reporting purposes. If you need the results or activity of a student in polls and/or surveys, it is recommended you set polls and surveys to Restrict to registered participants only. (Learn more about restricting poll/survey participation.)


Presenting your Poll Everywhere slides in your lectures

Using Poll Everywhere with Canvas

Attendance with Poll Everywhere

In Poll Everywhere, polls are called activities. Each activity is made up of a single question or prompt. There are multiple question/prompt types available, but only multiple choice and clickable image questions will generate scoring data to be synced with the Canvas Gradebook. Also, multiple choice questions that allow multiple selections will mark as 100% correct, as long as the student has selected at least one correct answer. (Learn about building activities.)

When building activities, you will want to organize them into folders in order to both keep them organized by, but also to expedite the generation of surveys. (Learn about grouping activities into folders.) Surveys provide asynchronous learners an opportunity to take part in a group of activities when they are engaging with course content. (Learn how to make a Poll Everywhere survey.) (When synchronous students have answered activities and then those activities are made into a survey, the students’ responses remain.)

It’s important to consider if live results will be shown to students during a class session and how this will affect the experience and sense of belonging of asynchronous students. Unless necessary, it might help to show results during the next class session or to post them to the course site after all students have had a chance to participate.

If you have used iClicker in the past and are unsure how Poll Everywhere compares, check out Comparison of Polling Options: iClicker, Poll Everywhere, and Zoom for more information.

Accessibility Tips

  • Keep questions concise.
  • State the number of answer choices available for multiple choice/answers questions.

Once you have set up your Poll Everywhere activities, you may want to present Poll Everywhere activities via PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides. To do so, you will need to install the Poll Everywhere app on both the computer you will use to generate your presentations and the computer you will use to present your presentations during your lectures. Please download the app here. Note that this will require admin access to your computer and may require an IT support person to install it for you. 

After you have created your activities, you can place them into your slides. For Mac, see Inserting activities with Poll Everywhere for MacOS. For PC, see Inserting activities with Poll Everywhere for Windows. For Google Slides, see Inserting activities with Poll Everywhere for Google Slides.

Your slides will display properly when you choose Slide Show View.

When presenting your slides in a Zoom meeting, please be sure you choose to share your entire monitor. If you only choose to share a single window or program (like choosing to only share PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides), Poll Everywhere will not show your questions and responses to your participants. You can see everything on your screen, but the questions and responses will not display properly to those in your Zoom session.

Important Notice

Although there is a PowerPoint add-on available, it is currently not working reliably, so we recommend only using the Poll Everywhere app to add activities to your presentations.

Before connecting Poll Everywhere to Canvas for the first time, you must have a Poll Everywhere account. If you do not yet have a Cornell University Poll Everywhere account, please request one by filling out this form.

Connecting Your Canvas Course Roster to Poll Everywhere

In order for your students to be identified in poll/survey results or for those results to feed into the Canvas Gradebook, you will need to import your course roster into Poll Everywhere from Canvas.

  1. Be sure your course is Published. (See Publishing a Canvas Course.)
  2. In Course Navigation, click Modules.
  3. Click the +Module button at the top right.
  4. Name the module In-Class Polling in the popup window and click the Add Module button.
  5. Do not publish this module — it is just for your view.
  6. At the far right of the module, click the + button.
  7. From the dropdown menu at the top of the pop-up window, select External Tool and then select Poll Everywhere. The URL and Page Name fields (at the bottom of the pop-up window) will auto-populate. Check the box next to Load in a new tab and click the Add Item button on the bottom right.
  8. Do not publish this link — it is just for your view.
  9. Click on the Poll Everywhere link within the module.
  10. Click the Load Poll Everywhere in a new window button to launch the Poll Everywhere connection.
  11. Click Continue to canvas.cornell.edu.
  12. Click the Sync Roster button. Your students will be added to your Poll Everywhere from your Canvas course.
  13. Click the Participants icon to the left where you will can verify the roster import, as there will be a new group named after your course.
  14. Note: The Auto Roster Sync will be automatically enabled for your course to update your roster at the end of every day.

Connecting Students to Poll Everywhere Polls and Surveys

Once you have set up your Poll Everywhere activities and have prepared to present them via a slideshow, there are several ways for students to gain access to Poll Everywhere polls and surveys. One way is to try a beta feature that allows you to display a QR code for students to scan with their smartphones. Another method is adding your Poll Everywhere response url (e.g., PollEv.com/CUPoll) to a module in your Canvas course. This same link can be used for any poll or survey that is active when a student clicks it.

  1. In Course Navigation, click Modules.
  2. Go to In-Class Polling and click the + button to the far right.
  3. From the dropdown menu at the top of the pop-up window, select External URL. Enter your custom Poll Everywhere response URL (e.g., PollEv.com/CUPoll) and name the link something that clearly identifies to students this link will be used for polls and/or surveys, such as Lecture Polling Link. Click the Add Item button on the bottom right.
    • To edit your custom Poll Everywhere response URL, please go to your Poll Everywhere Profile page, edit the Username, click Change and then click Save at the bottom of this page.  Your slides and activities will be automatically updated with this new URL, so no editing or re-inserting of your activities is necessary.
  4. Publish the link by clicking the unpublished icon Unpublished icon at the far right.
  5. Also, now publish the In-Class Polling module so students can see this link.

Accessibility Tips

After a synchronous learning session involving multiple polls, you may want to turn the group of polls into a Survey to be activated in the polls’ place. This will provide asynchronous learners and others an opportunity to take part in these activities. (Learn how to make a Poll Everywhere Survey.)

Exporting Poll Everywhere Points into Your Canvas Gradebook

After asking your Poll Everywhere questions in your lectures, you can post student points into your Canvas Gradebook. Each export will create a new assignment in the Gradebook (whether you select to export the results of a single question or multiple questions). Each export/assignment will be worth 100 points (which cannot be altered).

First, you should synchronize your roster in Poll Everywhere to include all students in your Canvas course as explained above.

  1. Log in to your Poll Everywhere account.
  2. Click the Participants icon
  3. Click LMS Courses
  4. Click Sync roster next to your Canvas course
  5. Click Go to Participants page
  6. Unselect any other courses that are chosen to show only this course’s student roster

To create a Report that will be placed in your Canvas course as an Assignment:

  1. Log in to your Poll Everywhere account.
  2. Click LMS Courses
  3. Click the name of your Canvas course
  4. Click Add new gradebook
  5. Gradebook will be automatically selected – click Continue
  6. For Instructors: Click My Activities and check the activities you want included in this report and click Create report
    For TAs accessing instructor activities: Click Shared with me, check the activities you want included in this report,  and click Create report
      Also for TAs: Click Select Presenter and choose the person who presented these activities in class
  7. Rename the title of the report to represent this activity, such as “Lecture 3, Sept 16th” or “Sociology Intro Topic” and click Done to save this title change
  8. Click Export
  9. Be sure the correct Canvas course is displayed.
  10. Choose either Grade or Participation, depending on whether you want to award correct responses to activities where you have already set a correct answer (Grade) or any responses to each activity (Participation)
  11. Click Next and a new assignment will be created in your Canvas course
  12. Verify the assignment by going to your Canvas course, clicking Grades in the Course Navigation menu, and reviewing the newly created assignment column in the Gradebook. (You may need to refresh this page if the results are not immediately there.)
  13. This assignment will be created in an Assignment group.  You may choose to move this assignment to another group.

Attendance can be recorded using Poll Everywhere. See our Poll Everywhere Attendance Feature page for full details.