Poll Everywhere, a classroom response system supported by Cornell, offers an attendance tracking feature.
The Attendance Management allows instructors to:

  • Track daily student attendance.
  • Determine whether students are present in-class or responding from a remote location.
  • View reports of attendance in Poll Everywhere.
  • Add Attendance points to your Canvas course Gradebook.

There are other options for attendance.
Please see our Comparison of Attendance Options: iClicker, Poll Everywhere, and Canvas page.

Information for students:

Point students to Poll Everywhere’s Student Guide for Attendance.

Setting up Attendance Management for your Poll Everywhere Activities:

Important Considerations:

  • All activities will be geo-located, for any course or other use, unless you temporarily turn it off for your Poll Everywhere Account Profile, which you can do at any time. You can then turn on Attendance Management again.
  • Students will be prompted when joining your presentation to check in with their device.
  • Students can choose to bypass the geo-location setting and still respond to your activities.
  • You will not know during lectures which responses are from checked-in students and which are from those who bypassed the geo-location.
  • A Poll Everywhere Report will show who is checked in, who bypassed the geo-location, and who was absent from that lecture.
  • Please contact the Center for Teaching Innovation if you have any questions or concerns.

Additional Resources