How do I schedule, record, run, and share a Zoom session through Canvas?
For scheduling and running a Zoom session through your Canvas course, as well as recording and sharing it with your students, review this page: Getting Started with Zoom.
How can I take advantage of the additional settings available at, but still have my session associated with my Canvas course?
Zoom sessions created in Canvas and created on the Zoom website have different settings. There are two ways to take advantage of the additional settings available at while still having the session associated with a Canvas course:
- If you create a Zoom session through your Canvas course, you can then visit and edit the settings for that session. The session and its modified settings will remain associated with the Canvas course.
- If you create a Zoom session at, you can import it into a Canvas course. After creating the session, follow these steps:
- Copy the Meeting ID.
- Go to Zoom within the Canvas course.
- Click the three dots at the top right of the Zoom page to display additional options.
- Click Import meeting from the drop-down menu.
- Paste the meeting ID into the text box displayed.
- Click the blue Import button.
You will now see your session (created at in Zoom within your Canvas course.
How do I invite a guest speaker to a Zoom session?
If you have turned on the waiting room, you can just share the Join URL with the speaker and then allow them entry once they appear in the waiting room. Once in the room, you can make them the host or co-host from the Participants tab (see the question below on multiple presenters).
If the speaker is not a Cornell user but still has a Zoom account, you can set the session to only allow users authenticated via Zoom sign-in.
If your guest speaker does not have an existing Zoom account, you cannot use authenticated sign-in.
If I have a class of over 300 students, do I need a special zoom session/license?
Yes, a standard Zoom session is capped at 300. If you need a larger capacity session, please contact CIT.
Can my TAs schedule and manage Zoom sessions and recordings?
TAs may schedule sessions in Canvas using the Zoom app. They will own the resulting cloud recording. They may also schedule sessions on behalf of instructors so that the instructor ends up owning the subsequent cloud recording. For a TA to schedule a session on behalf of the instructor, the instructor must allow the TA scheduling privileges at
Important: If you allow TAs to schedule Zoom session on your behalf, they will also be able to edit/delete all other sessions you have created.
How do I record my Zoom sessions?
When scheduling a Zoom session, you can choose to Record the meeting automatically either On the local computer or In the cloud. We recommend recording to the cloud unless you will need to edit the recording. Automatic recordings can be stopped or paused during a meeting. Learn about automatic recording. If automatic recording was not set up, you can manually start a recording by clicking the Record button in the Zoom menu of the meeting. Learn how to start recording manually.
Important: Local recordings will follow the host into breakout rooms, while cloud recordings will only record the main Zoom meeting room.
How do I share recordings with students in Canvas?
There are a few ways you can share a Zoom session recording with students in Canvas:
- Zoom cloud recordings for sessions set up through Canvas can be found by students by going to Zoom in the course navigation and then selecting the Cloud Recordings tab.
- This is the easiest option for instructors/TAs. To give the students access, instructors just have to click the Publish switch next to an individual recording in Cloud Recordings.
- All Zoom cloud recordings can be shared by the host (the one who created the meeting) by going to and selecting Recordings. Next to each recording is a Share button. The pop-up window that appears allows the host to change sharing settings and copy a URL to share with students.
- You could choose this option if you want to add a link to the recording somewhere else in the Canvas course (e.g., in an announcement, a weekly overview page, an assignment, etc.)
- Zoom recordings to a local device (i.e., saved to your computer) can be shared by uploading the recordings through Panopto in Canvas: Getting Started with Panopto.
- This requires more time from the instructor(s) and TA(s). How long it takes to upload a recording to Panopto depends on the recording length and your connection. Consider using the Pause/Stop recording buttons in Zoom when appropriate to create shorter recordings.
Review more detailed information about the recording options in Getting Started with Zoom.
How do I record breakout rooms?
Breakout rooms can only be recorded to the computer of one of the participants in each breakout room. If this is desired, you will want to clearly communicate with a specific member of each breakout room to ensure they know the process for recording and getting the recordings to you.
Are there any limits on file size for cloud recordings of Zoom sessions?
Cornell’s agreement with Zoom does not place any limit on cloud recordings. If you do receive an email that you are reaching a limit, please contact IT@Cornell immediately.
Can I edit my Zoom recordings?
Editing of Zoom recordings through Zoom is limited to trimming the beginning and end of a recording, directly in the player. When done through Canvas, the trim will not change the actual recording as found at, but will affect the viewable range for users accessing the recording via Canvas. If you need to make more extensive edits to a recording, you may want to download it to your computer, edit it, and upload it through Panopto. Learn to add a Panopto video to Canvas. Panopto will also allow you to cut a section out of the middle of a recording.
Can I see statistics to see if students viewed the recording?
For cloud recordings, visit, go to Recordings, select the recording for which you’d like to see viewing statistics, click Recording Analytics, and choose the By View tab; you can see who has viewed the recording. Learn to view cloud recording analytics. For recordings uploaded through Kaltura, go to My Media in your course, click the name of a recording, click Actions on the bottom right, and click Analytics. Under the video, click View Engagement Per User.
If I record my class via Zoom, to share with students who cannot attend, it may capture student names and voices. Is this allowable according to FERPA?
Yes, provided you save the Zoom recording to the cloud.
Cornell University provides access to Zoom for faculty, staff, and students for online sessions, classes, and presentations. It can also be used to record these sessions. If Zoom is used to record a class session for later playback by students or faculty and any identifying information is captured in that recording, only students enrolled in that specific course may use it. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) limits access to student educational records, including these recordings. By following the steps above, the recording will only be available to students enrolled in the course. If your captured lectures are available to a broader audience beyond the course section originally being recorded and students are personally identifiable in the recording, FERPA requires written student consent to that disclosure. Learn more at the Cornell registrar’s FERPA information page.
How do I block AI Bots from my Zoom session?
There are AI bots that can automatically join your Zoom sessions. These bots will record the audio, video, and chat in your Zoom sessions without your knowledge and then can be posted online for others to see, even if they were not in your Zoom session. You can keep these bots from joining your Zoom sessions by editing your personal Zoom Profile.
- For information on how to set your Zoom Settings to block AI bots, review Strategies to Block AI Bots from Zoom Sessions.
How do I use polling in my Zoom session?
Polling is one method to engage students during your live Zoom class sessions.
- For information on how to use the polling feature in Zoom, review Polling with Zoom.
- You also have the option of using Poll Everywhere, a more robust polling tool: Getting Started with Poll Everywhere.
How do I allow multiple presenters in my Zoom session?
In a Zoom session, the host can choose other participants as co-hosts (view co-host permissions) or they can allow all participants to share their screens.
Set a co-host by clicking Manage Participants from the Zoom menu bar, hovering over the name of the participant, clicking the More button, and clicking Make Co-Host.
Allow participants to share their screens by clicking the arrow next to Share Screen in the Zoom menu bar, clicking Advanced Options, and choosing All Participants under Who can share?
If Zoombombing occurs in my class, how should I respond?
Instructors from several institutions have shared their experiences with Zoombombing, and from these stories, we know that these have been unpleasant and highly disruptive.
- To learn about how to remove an unwanted participant, lock a meeting, and turn off all participant’s video, audio, and ability to share their screen in the event of a disruption, review Zoom’s In-Meeting Security Options
- To reduce the chances of such a disruption, periodically review the recommended settings for increasing security
Depending on whether you were able to remove the interloper or were forced to end the session early, you might:
- Acknowledge what has occurred and that it has had a negative effect on the learning environment, apologize for the disruption, and explain that you plan to tighten security for future sessions (If you were forced to end early, consider sending students an email through Canvas as soon as possible to explain what happened)
- Take a few minutes at the beginning or end of class to acknowledge that such incidents affect us all, but not in the same ways. Encourage students to seek support from each other, community resources, and family and friends
- Check in with students. Some of these events have included sharing pornographic, racist, and other highly offensive content and will impact students differently. It is important to show that you care about the negative impacts, condemn the event and the offensive content, and assure students that you are committed to maintaining an environment that is conducive to learning
- Invite students to share what they need from you to be able to feel comfortable in class once again
- Explain how you will tighten security
How do I use Zoom with dual monitors?
If you have not already done so, configure the use of dual monitors for your Operating System (Windows or Mac), and then go to your Zoom application on your desktop and enable the use of dual monitors.
If you are presenting or teaching in Zoom with dual monitors, we recommend the following:
- Practice with another person and/or record a practice session so that you can note what the participants will see when you share. Practice finding the Zoom controls (e.g., Participants panel, the Chat, the Stop Share button).
- When using PowerPoint, click either Screen 1 or Screen 2 (Mac: Desktop 1 and Desktop 2) when you Share Screen.
- If you only share the PowerPoint application and not your desktop in Zoom, the full-screen presentation that should appear when you start the Slide Show may go to the other monitor that is not being shared; students will not see the full-screen presentation.
- Start Zoom early to configure your layout. You can drag different Zoom panels from one monitor to the other (e.g., you may want the participants in Gallery View on one monitor and your slides on the other.)
- When using dual monitors, PowerPoint may automatically use both monitors when you start the slide show. To disable this feature, you have to turn off Presenter View.
- You may have to reconfigure your preferred Zoom layout after going to and back from a breakout room and after a participant shares their screen.
How do I use mute/unmute in a Zoom meeting?
As a Zoom meeting host or co-host, you can mute session participants. It is possible to mute and unmute all participants from the Manage Participants tab in the Zoom menu bar. Muting individual participants is also possible as part of a host/co-host’s ability to manage participants. Participants can also be muted upon entry to the meeting as part of the settings when scheduling a Zoom meeting.
Is there a way to save gallery view window order for recurring meetings?
Yes, Zoom allows you to re-arrange video windows in gallery view and save the order for use in further recurrences of the meeting.
Is there a setting to pin one or more participants for everyone in the Zoom session, not just me?
Yes, Zoom allows hosts and co-hosts to spotlight up to 9 participants.
What are some troubleshooting strategies for when I have a bad connection in Zoom?
If you are experiencing lagging, freezing, or poor quality, review Zoom’s Wireless (WiFi) Connection Issues.
What is the difference in functionality between using the Zoom mobile app, Zoom on a PC/Mac, and Zoom in a browser?
Here is a comparison chart of the differences in features: Desktop client, mobile app, and web client comparison.
Breakout Rooms
What are Zoom breakout rooms and how do I use them?
Breakout rooms are a Zoom function for grouping students into private chat sessions within a group meeting.
To enable breakout rooms:
- Log into
- Select Settings from the left-side navigation bar
- Under the Meeting drop-down menu, select In Meeting (Advanced)
- You will see a Breakout Room option
Once enabled, you can use breakout rooms in your meeting:
- During the meeting, click on Breakout Rooms in the toolbar to set up the rooms; you can choose either automatic or manual groupings
- If you are using chats during your meeting they switch to the breakout room only while the breakout session is active. The chat box will read “everyone,” meaning everyone within the breakout room
- As the instructor, you may join any breakout room at any time
- If you are recording the meeting, the recording will follow the host (you) throughout the breakout session, even if you move from group to group (note: this requires that you record the meeting locally – this feature does not work when recording to the cloud)
How do I set up and use pre-assigned breakout rooms?
Zoom allows meeting hosts the option of automatically or manually assigning meeting participants to breakout rooms. In a large class, manually assigning students to breakout rooms would take up too much class time. To save time, students can be pre-assigned to breakout rooms when you set up the meeting. IT@Cornell has produced a detailed guide to setting up and using pre-assigned breakout rooms.
How can I keep my slide presentation visible to students while they are in a Zoom breakout room?
To share your screen to breakout rooms:
- Click Share Screen in the meeting controls.
- Enable the Share to breakout rooms option along the bottom of the share window.
- Choose what you would like to share, including an entire screen, a specific open program, or others.
- (Optional) Click the Share Sound option as well to include audio with the shared content.
- Click Share.
For more details, see Sharing your screen to all breakout rooms in Zoom’s Managing Breakout Rooms documentation.
Can I use the same breakout rooms multiple times?
Yes. Whether pre-assigned or assigned during a meeting, breakout room enrollment can be maintained. If you change enrollment in breakout groups, you will only be able to return users to their original groups if you had pre-assigned groups. You can even save the assignment configurations of breakout rooms to be used in future meetings of a recurring meeting (see Saving current breakout room assignments for future use).
Can I use the same breakout groups multiple times within the same session?
Yes. Whether pre-assigned or assigned during a meeting, breakout room enrollment can be maintained. If you change enrollment in breakout groups, you will only be able to return users to their original groups if you had pre-assigned groups.
How can I take attendance in my Zoom session?
Zoom keeps a record of participants, their join and end times, and the duration of time they spent in a session.
- For Zoom sessions scheduled through Canvas, you can find this information by entering the course and going to Zoom. Select the Previous Meetings tab and then click Report next to the meeting for which you want a report.
- For any Zoom session, you can find this information by going to and logging into Zoom. Click Reports on the left, enter the timeframe in which the Zoom meeting occurred, and click the Select button. Click the number in the Participants column to the right of the meeting for which you want a report.
How do I make sure all students participate in a Zoom session?
To give all students an opportunity to participate, request chat participation with a purpose. You can also use web-based iClicker questions; ask them to “raise their hands” in response to a question, or use breakout groups for them to discuss something and then report back to the class.
Who can see chat comments/questions during a Zoom meeting?
There is a pull-down menu in the chat pane that lists all participants. If you select “Everyone” from the menu, everyone in the session will see the comments you post. If you are in a breakout room, only the people in the breakout room will see your comments. If you select a specific participant from the menu, only that person will see your comment.
How can I use Zoom to hold office hours?
The waiting room function makes it possible for you to meet privately with individuals or small groups of students. The waiting room will list students in the order they entered, with the first to enter at the top of the list, and the last to enter at the bottom. Learn more about holding office hours with Zoom.
Can students create group presentation recordings?
Yes. By going to, students can create their own Zoom sessions. They can then invite group members, allowing each member to share audio, video, and their screens. It is recommended the host student records this video to their computer, do any necessary editing, and then upload the video via Kaltura. Learn to submit a video to Canvas via Kaltura.
What do I need to know if I’m using Zoom outside of Canvas?
When using Zoom outside of Canvas, you will need to manually share the Join URL with your students, because the Zoom session will not appear in the Zoom tab of the Canvas course or on the course calendar.
How do I change my name in Zoom for all sessions?
To change your name for all Zoom sessions:
- Navigate to
- It may take you directly to your Zoom settings if you have logged in recently. If not, click Login in the Cornell Zoom window that appears.
- Select Profile in the navigation menu.
- At the top of the page next to your name and picture, click the Edit link.
For more information about editing your profile: Customizing your Profile in Zoom.
You can also change your name for a single session: Attendee Controls in a Meeting